Left Out To Be Homeless | Voices Of Nepal

Left Out To Be Homeless | Voices Of Nepal


“I’ve been staying here all my life. My children use to live with me in this house. But now they moved out and live by themselves in a shelter. My son is married and lives with his family in a new shelter but his wife does not want me to stay with them.”

“So where do you live?”
“Nowhere, just in different places around here. I have a small make shift tent too.”
“How about your wife?”
“She died, I’m alone and now I have no place to go.”

“So what did the town council do?”
“They said it’s dangerous to live here as it’s all cracked and damaged inside but when can they rebuild it for me?”
“I don’t know sir, I don’t think it will be rebuild.”
“So what will happen to my house? Can you rebuild it for me?”
“No sir, I can’t. It won’t be rebuild, they will soon demolish it.”
“I have to stay here, this is my house, when can they rebuild it, can they just fix it back to before?”
“They won’t. It’s gone. I’m sorry.”

He kept on going for a few more minutes about rebuilding it and how he only has this home left.

An NGO had build some shelters here but for total families here which is about 15 families. He was not counted in as he belonged to his son’s family, that isn’t taking him in. Today he is homeless.

This is not the first case that I have encountered here in Kavre. It only took me an hour to find out more about him and what’s really happening here.

Please help SHARE this so help can get to him and another elderly women aged 80 in this same village. They are both homeless today as their children are not taking them in and they need shelters urgently. Let’s get the word out.

(Hokse, Palanchok. Ward 7)

Project Voices Of Nepal


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