The Wooden Doll | Voices Of Nepal

The Wooden Doll | Voices Of Nepal


Did you live here?
“Yes, this was my home. Look at it now, first the top floor collapsed and then the whole thing came down.”
“Where were you when the earthquake happen?”
“I was outside near the bottom of the hill, everything was shaking so hard but it’s where we felt the safest.”

“So can you tell me more about your home?”
“Yes I can. You see the top floor? There is where my room was, it’s near the wall that’s standing. And we had a top attic too for our crops. My parents room was on the opposite side, kitchen at the bottom.”

“But you are safe, that’s important right?”
“Yes, we are all safe. We have a shelter now.”

We left together and kept on talking more about how life is today for him. He had such a positive and happy vibe about him. A very confident boy with very little to say. We were about to part ways and he said something that just made me happy inside.

“So how about your things or toys?”
“I have no toys, but I do have a wooden doll. I saved her from the earthquake. She is safe.”

Share his bravery…

(Hokse, Palanchok)

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