Where Children Work

Where Children Work


Where children work, where they find a purpose in life to earn a little for their families. Where they change themselves within cultures to be who they are today, a beggar, a dancer, a drummer, a magician, a chai seller but forget who they truly are. Just children.

Where children work, with what little they have, being avoided, going places, searching for those with extra change, creating new ways to get that little money for food, water or just a shelter. Why does my 10 year old need to go out there to look for money or a job, why did I make money a power to change our children?

Today I have the power to stop this, to create an awareness for myself, to put an end to this so children can just be children. I share this to send a message out there, to start a wave of actions to stop a paper or currency to control who we are, so children around the world can just be what they wish too.

They can be dancers, drummers, magicians or anything you wish. Not to beg for a paper currency, not to be avoided or discriminated, just doing it as it’s fun being a child.”

(Train Station – India)

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